Hobsons Bay libraries remove fees for overdue items

Newport library visitors Sid and Max are excited to borrow books without the fear of facing fines for overdue items. (Supplied)

By Matthew Sims

Libraries across Hobsons Bay will now be open longer, offer unlimited loans and no longer enforce fees for overdue items.

Hobsons Bay mayor Peter Hemphill said the initiatives are a way to thank the community for supporting their local libraries during the COVID-19 pandemic and other hardships during the past two years and remind them that libraries are for them.

“With new programming and events centred around education, the environment, technology, and creative arts, there will be something for all residents to enjoy,” he said.

“If you haven’t visited your local library for a while, you don’t need to worry about overdue items or loan limits.

“You can borrow as many items as you want, stay longer and get reacquainted with these wonderful spaces.”

Cr Hemphill said programs and events are back across the five Hobsons Bay libraries, with more to be added each month.

“Library spaces are important for community growth and learning,” he said.

“With the launch earlier this year of the Creative Technology Hub, and with the recent launch of our Council+ service, they are part of our commitment to providing the best value for ratepayers.”

Under the Council+ program, council staff at libraries will be able to assist visitors with queries ranging from rates and parking to waste and planning.

Details: libraries.hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au