Hobsons Bay policing forum


Hobsons Bay residents will once again be able to have key discussions with local police at the Victoria Police neighbourhood policing forum.

Victoria Police said the forum welcomes local services and community members to talk with police about what issues are important in the community.

The forum will explore topics like current crime trends and crime prevention, young people, family violence, road policing, drugs and drug related crime.

The forum will be run by a Victoria Police panel and questions will be taken from the audience throughout the event.

“The forum offers the opportunity for community members to engage directly with our Victoria Police decision makers,” a police spokesperson said.

“The most productive forums are those where the community guides the discussion, so we are working extremely hard to open the event up to the community.”

The forum will be held on Tuesday, July 16, from 5.30pm–8.30pm at the Williamstown Town Hall, 104 Ferguson Street, Williamstown.

Registration is essential: HOBSONS-BAY-NEIGHBOURHOOD-POLICING- MGR@police.vic.gov.au

Refreshments will be offered, if there are any dietary requirements, the police ask that you include them in your registration.