Hospital site walking tour

Colleen Hartland, Kate Breen and her son Jarrah (10), Janet Yeo and Pierre Vairo with their child Auggie (1). (Damjan Janevski) 360431_01

Reimagining Old Footscray Hospital is a free walking tour of the Footscray Hospital site.

The event is to be held on Saturday, October 7, which organiser Kate Breen said is an opportunity for people to learn the history of the site from guest speakers.

The guest speakers include former journalist Caroline Milburn and heritage-brutalist advocate John Jovic.

“Caroline will focus on the early history of the site and touch upon some of the medical professional connection,” Kate said.

“John is going to talk about the history of the building and what this heritage listing means.”

Community member Pierre Vairo will also be speaking on the recent community engagement work that the group has been doing.

“We are calling this first phase community engagement led by residents, to get an idea about some of the things the community would like to prioritise for the site redevelopment,” she said.

“Through this engagement we will then be more informed to engage with the government when they do their consultation.”

The community group has organised this walking tour to build community understanding and connection to the site’s history.

“We want to connect people to the history and the strong community connection to this site, to then build an understanding of the scale of the site,“ she said.

“We want to inspire the community to think about the site’s future and to be part of a community conversation about what outcomes we want to see that best meet our community’s needs.”

The event is free and interested community members are required to register via

Jennifer Pittorino