Household transport spending increase

Spending on transport made the largest contribution to the rise in August.

Household spending, including those in Maribyrnong and Hobsons Bay, was 4.8 per cent higher when compared to August last year, new Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) figures released on October 5, 2023 reveal.

ABS head of business statistics Robert Ewing said spending on transport made the largest contribution to the rise in August.

“Transport spending rose 17.1 per cent over the year, which is higher than the 10.9 per cent growth rate in the 12 months to July,” he said.

“Higher petrol prices, as reported in the August monthly consumer price index indicator, as well as spending on holiday travel and public transport contributed to the rise in transport spending.”

In addition to transport, the overall rise in household spending compared to August last year was driven by health, hotels, cafes and restaurants, and food.

Spending on non-discretionary goods and services rose 9.1 per cent, while discretionary spending was flat.

Household spending rose in all states and territories in August 2023 compared to August 2022.

Western Australia recorded the largest rise in spending at 9.9 per cent, which was led by transport and health spending.

When comparing this month to last month, spending growth rates were higher in all states and territories, except in Tasmania and the Australian Capital Territory.