Ideas welcome

(Joshua Hoehne/Unsplash)

Hobsons Bay residents are encouraged to propose new ideas for a more inclusive, empowered and sustainable community as part of the Pitch Your Project initiative.

The Hobsons Bay council initiative will give community members a chance to tell council about projects they think would make the region a better place.

The council will approve grants of up to $50,000 per project, with the council shortlisting the best ideas for the community to vote on next April and then delivered as part of the 2023-24 budget.

Hobsons Bay mayor Tony Briffa said the program is an opportunity for the community to see their dreams for the area become a reality.

“If you’ve ever had an idea you think would make your neighbourhood better, this is your chance to tell us,” she said.

“Pitch Your Project is a great opportunity for anyone in Hobsons Bay – residents, community groups, sports clubs, businesses and organisations – to share their ideas that might really make a difference to the lives of people around them.

“This is a unique chance to be able to pitch that project you might have had for a while, so I encourage anyone who’s got a project in mind to come forward and pitch it to us.”

Submissions close on Monday, January 23, 2023.
