Itchy bomb trees making life ‘unbearable’

Tracey Wallace under an itchy bomb tree. Photo: Joe Mastroianni

Williamstown residents say “itchy bomb” trees are making their lives unbearable and could trigger asthma.

Tracey Wallace has collected 62 signatures on a petition calling on Hobsons Bay council to remove the trees from Bayview and surrounding streets.

She said the tree, whose scientific name is lagunaria patersonia, causes skin, throat and potentially lung irritation from sharp fibres released from its seedpods, and had been linked to asthma attacks and allergic reactions.

“I recently moved into this street and since then we’ve had health issues, and we can’t live outside our house – it’s unbearable,” Ms Wallace said. “We can’t sit outside … you get prickles in your body. It’s painful.

“It’s in your washing, it’s in your outdoor area, you can’t have bare feet, the animals are constantly chewing on their paws.

“I’ve discussed my concerns with my neighbours … and they said it’s unbearable. We’ve had enough.

Ms Wallace said other councils had recognised the trees are problematic and have removed them in the past.

Her petition was tabled at last week’s council meeting. Officers will now prepare a report with potential recommendations for the council’s consideration.