It’s all happening in Hobsons Bay

Hobsons Bay councillor Matt Tyler and deputy mayor Diana Grima at last year's Make it Happen celebration event. (Supplied)

By Cr Diana Grima

Community groups and organisations have become such an important part of the fabric of Hobsons Bay.

Not only are they great social hubs, bringing people who share a common passion together, they can also provide important events and services that make the lives of the wider community better.

That’s why our Make It Happen grants program has become so valued across the community.

Sometimes, even a little can go a long way.

A grant of a few thousand dollars might be all it takes for a club to be able to put on an event, which might bring hundreds of people in their area together.

On Sunday, February 19, the Laverton Festival will do just that.

It received a Make It Happen grant last year, helping to put on a great day of family fun at Curlew Community Park.

I am also looking forward to Monster Mayhem in Altona Meadows later in the year, which wouldn’t be possible without these grants.

Both events are shining examples of why this program exists.

Last October, I hosted the Make It Happen grants celebration and I loved how every organisation had a different story to tell about how they were helping or supporting our community.

That’s why I encourage everyone, including those who have never applied for a grant before, to give it a go this year.

I’ve seen first-hand the incredible impact they can have.

The grants are there so council can support our community groups to make things happen – to bring people together, to make your lives better or to fill a need in the community.

Applications for the first round of Make It Happen grants for 2023 opened last week and will stay open until February 28.

There will be another two rounds after that, from March 1 to 28 and from March 29 to May 2.

If you need help writing your grant application, there are tips on the council website and we are also running online and in-person workshops to help you.

There is up to $25,000 available to each applicant to put together a community project, event or festival.

Toyota is also contributing $30,000 to Make It Happen, and people can apply for up to $1500 for equipment and resources.

All up, there’s more than $500,000 available that will go back into our community.

You can find out more about the Make It Happen program, apply for a grant or book into a grant writing workshop at