Keeping active during school holidays

Coby, Suzy and Amelia enjoying the toys available at the toy library. (Damjan Janevski) 264703_01

West Footscray Neighbourhood House’s is hosting its first Maribyrnong Toy Library event for 2023, with an Active Play Day set to be held this Saturday.

Running from 11am to 2pm at the Maidstone Child and Family Centre, Western Bulldogs Football Club representatives will be coming along with their inflatable goals and giveaways and Maidstone United Soccer Club representatives will be running some fun soccer activities.

Footscray Fire Rescue Victoria volunteers will also be visiting with a firetruck on the day, along with a Princess on Skates.

Barista coffee will be available at a cost of $4, with visitors encouraged to bring along a picnic to enjoy outdoors.

The project received funding from the state government through the West Gate Tunnel’s Project Westgate Neighbourhood Fund.
