Keeping pupils and pedestrians safe on region’s roads

(Rahul Pandit via Pexels)

The state government has supported Victorian councils to deliver road safety projects in their local areas, including in Maribyrnong and Hobsons Bay.

As part of the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) Local Government Grant Program 2022, Hobsons Bay council received $57,250 for pedestrian safety improvements within the Nelson Place Tourist Precinct and Maribyrnong council received $23,200 for a safe system approach to road safety around four schools in Maribyrnong.

The program would give councils the opportunity to work with locals to address road safety issues affecting vulnerable road users in their area and implement solutions.

The projects would support the Victorian Road Safety Strategy 2021-2030, which aims to halve road deaths and get to zero road deaths by 2050.

The state government invited councils to apply for grants of up to $30,000 for analysis projects, and up to $100,000 for infrastructure projects.

Together, the councils would deliver 35 road safety projects – 18 of which are infrastructure and 17 are various analysis projects spanning across inner and outer metro, rural and regional LGAs.

The infrastructure projects would include 16 wombat crossings, four shared-user path crossings and two footpaths – all improving safety and accessibility for vulnerable road users.

Roads and Road Safety Minister Melissa Horne said everyone needed to play their part to keep local roads safe.

“We need everyone to play their part in keeping our roads safe,” she said.

“This program gives Victorian councils the opportunity to work with locals to address the road safety issues that matter most in their area and develop solutions that will boost safety on our roads and help save lives.”

TAC chief executive Joe Calafiore said the TAC was proud to support Victorian councils in their efforts.

“By investing in targeted road safety projects, we can create safer roads and better protect those who use them,” he said.

Applications for the 2023 program will open in June.
