Kinder children create mosaic snake

Julee Latimer with Alla (5) and Amalia (5). Photo by Damjan Janevski.

Children at the Range Children’s Centre in Williamstown have brightened up their carpark with help from a world-renowned mosaic artist.

Altona-based artist Julee Latimer worked with four and five-year-olds to create a snake mosaic in a wall recess measuring more than four metres long.

“I design and cut the tiles and basically facilitate the mosaic, but it’s actually the children’s artwork and they placed every single tile on there,” Latimer said.

“This is a bit ironic because I’ve got snake phobia.

“When I moved to Australia I was really nervous about seeing snakes and now it seems that a lot of the schoolwork I’ve done recently has been rainbow serpents or at least colourful snakes.

“I think this design works very very well with this age group because I’m able to design it and draw on stripes so they’re able to follow the lines.”

She said the children were delighted when they saw the finished product. “Bless them, they could remember which stripes they’d done, which glass gems they’d placed.”

Latimer’s artwork appears all around Hobsons Bay including on rocks along the Newport Lakes walking trails and at Williamstown Hospital.

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