Lacing up for mental health

Western suburbs locals Kevin Bonnar, Dan Snowden, Jake Plakakis and Dylan Conway are participating in a 1000-kilometre ultramarathon from Bondi to Williamstown. (Damjan Janevski) 324460_04

One marathon is enough to exhaust anyone for a week and seems like a daunting prospect for most.

However, a group of western suburbs locals are gearing up for an ultra-marathon equal to more than 20 marathons back-to-back over 10 days.

The run will commence on Thursday, May 18 from Bondi Beach and end on Thursday, May 27 at The Performance Club and will be stopping in local communities along the way.

Williamstown gym The Performance Club owner and mental health charity Holla Foundation co-founder Dylan Conway will be running from Bondi to Williamstown – a trip of about 1000 kilometres or 100 kilometres per day.

Fellow Holla Foundation board member Jake Plakakis will be joining him on the full run, while The Performance Club facility manager Daniel Snowden and gym member Kevin Bonnar will be sharing the load with each doing 50 kilometres per day.

Conway said he helped create the Holla Foundation to support mental health within the fitness world and beyond.

“We try and lead by example,” he said.

“I’ve got two young kids now.

“I want to make sure mental health is something talked about more than it has been.”

Conway said the best way to manage mental health issues was to talk about them.

“We see and speak to so many people,” he said.

“We actually want to know what is going on in their personal life.

“We’re seeing the impact that we can make.”

Holla Foundation is calling for donations for the 1000 kilometre run, as well as its annual TPC 100 event running on Saturday, April 22, with all Profits raised contributing to Holla Foundation’s aim to develop workshops, online resources and community events.
