Legacy honours promise to dying WW1 soldier

Melanie with her children Max and Chloe.

It all started with a promise…

In the trenches of the Western Front during WW1, a soldier made a promise to his dying mate “to look after the missus and kids”.

For 100 years, Legacy has delivered on the promise to help the families of veterans like Melanie* and her two children Max* and Chloe*.

Melanie is incredibly proud of her ex-husband’s service to Australia in the Army, but sadly her young family paid the ultimate sacrifice when his Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) reached crisis point. After 20 years together Melanie no longer felt safe living under the same roof and she and the children had to leave.

Legacy was able to step in and have been able to provide food vouchers and get the kids the support they needed. Chloe and Max were falling behind quickly at school, but with tutoring paid for by Legacy and financial assistance also provided for school fees, laptops, and textbooks, the kids are now exceeding.

“It means the world to me that my kids can just be themselves,” Melanie said.

“They can grow and have space and freedom and opportunities. Because it was really hairy there for a moment. We were going down a very, very different path and, without Legacy, we wouldn’t have come out as unscathed as we have.”

Every April 25, Australia pauses to reflect on the brave sacrifices of its servicemen and women. This Anzac Day you can also help keep the promise made in the trenches by donating to support veterans’ families in need and ensuring that no child is disadvantaged due to their parent’s service. Scan the QR Code, head to Legacy.com.au/donate or call us on 1800 LEGACY to donate.

*names have been changed for privacy reasons