Level crossing voices

Hobsons Bay council supports 30 community members to form community interest groups. (Damjan Janevski) 264036_01

Jennifer Pittorino

Hobsons Bay council has supported the appointment of 30 community members to the Level Crossing Removal Community Interest Groups (CIGs).

These CIGs will become community contacts and advocates for the best community outcomes arising from the forthcoming removal of the level crossings at Champion Road and Maddox Road, Newport, and Hudsons Road, Spotswood, among other roles.

In its meeting earlier in October, council voted to support 15 nominees to the Newport CIG and the 15 nominees to the Spotswood CIG.

These groups will provide an opportunity for members to share valuable community insights, inform council’s final position on the projects and help to keep the community informed of any key project developments.

Councillor Pamela Sutton Legaud said she was aware of the impacts that will occur if the road is closed.

“I can’t see how things are going to get better, unfortunately. So the lack of consultation is at the very least infuriating,” she said.

“It’s not so much that the road is being suggested to be closed, it is the fact that we’re being told it is going to be closed, so tough luck.That’s what makes the community furious.

“So I’m glad we have the community interest groups being set up, and I’m very happy to be a part of them and listen more to what the community wants to have happen.”

Councillor Jonathon Marsden added council should encourage community groups to work together.

“I think there will always be a loud voice that comes from the grassroots organisations, as there has been with Champion Roadd , Hudson Road and Maddox Road,” he said.

“I think our role as council is to work in concert with that grassroots organisation and augment the will of the community in dealing directly with the designers and the engineers.”

The 15 members for the Newport CIG are Deanna Trento, Matt Leaver, Brendan Dowling, Bronwyn Pyke, Lisa Stevens, Ilona Herreiner, Megan Pearce, Emma Harris , Julia Ius, Kerry Innes, Jenny Read , Liam Ingram , Lynne Joseph, Gill Gannon and Darany Maokhamphiou.

The 15 members for the Spotswood CIG are Caitlin Redmond, Rosa McKenna, Ivor Lawrance, Rex Allum , Paul Tyndale-Biscoe, Jane White, Robert Taylor, Alexandra Georgalas, Sharna Goulding, Madeline Gulizia, Cameron Tait, Virginia Wilkinson , Gwyn Moore, Stephanie Angelevska and Grace Guinto.