Little athletes celebrating personal achievements

Williamstown Little Athletics Centre member Pippa and president Peter Parks are excited to bang the new gong for each personal best broken as part of the centre's inaugural PB Day this Saturday. (Supplied)

The Williamstown Little Athetics Centre [WLAC] is gearing up to introduce a new initiative to celebrate athletes surpassing their personal bests [PBs].

The centre will be celebrating its inaugural PB Day event on Saturday, November 5, where members who record a personal best performance will be invited to bang a new gong created by the Hobsons Bay Men’s Shed.

WLAC president Peter Parks said the club’s philosophy to encourage individual effort rather than winning inspired the event.

“We have athletes of all abilities compete at our centre and we try to instil in them that it actually doesn’t matter if you win, or come second or third or even last,” he said.

“We love to see athletes trying their hardest and challenging themselves to run faster or throw or jump further than they did the last time.

“Celebrating PBs is about honouring all the little wins along the journey of being an athlete.”

Mr Parks said WLAC recently broke its own record by welcoming its 374th member, with 184 new PBs being broken recently.

“I’m looking forward to our very first PB Day but am not sure my eardrums will thank me afterwards,” he said.

WLAC summer season runs until March, with registrations still open for athletes between five and 16 years of age.
