Little athletics club jumping for joy after funding boost

Altona Little Athletics Centre will benefit from two new marquees following a grant from the Coles Little Athletics Community Fund. (Supplied).

Local sports children and enthusiasts will be able to enjoy more shaded areas at the Altona Little Athletics Centre following a $3000 Coles grant.

Altona Little Athletics president Nathan Letson said the grant will help the centre in Sugar Gum Drive continue to provide a quality program.

“As our club continues to grow, it has become evident we do not have sufficient shade areas at George Nevitt Athletics Track for the number of club members we now have,” he said.

“This grant will enable us to purchase two new marquees to improve the safety and experience of our volunteers, athletes and spectators.”

Coles acting state general manager Daniel Ellul said Coles is delighted to continue supporting grassroots Little Athletics centres in Victoria.

“We know very well the impact the pandemic has had on local clubs and communities over the past two years, and we hope these grants will help them to recover and look forward to a new Little Athletics season ahead,” he said.

The Coles grants are designed to help centres buy new sports and safety equipment such as javelins, discuses, hurdles and defibrillators.

This year’s grants are funded by the inaugural Coles Little Athletics Banana A-Peel campaign, during which 10 cents from every kilogram of Cavendish bananas sold in Coles supermarkets was donated to the cause.