Maribyrnong council seeks feedback on the future of festivals and events in the municipality

(Warren Tobias /Unsplash)

By Molly Magennis

Maribyrnong Council is seeking community feedback on the adoption of an updated Festival City Policy that would allow for more ‘dynamic and contemporary’ festivals across the municipality now that pandemic restrictions have all but ceased.

Marirbynong’s vibrant festivals’ program has been guided by the Festival City Policy which was established in 2010.

In a statement on the council’s website, they stated that while the policy has served the municipality well ‘the landscape around festivals and events has changed significantly, particularly over the past two years during the pandemic.’

Council is now contemplating broadening the policy framework to allow for more single or multi-day events in main streets, civic spaces and parks.

Mayor Anthony Tran said this shift would mean more support for smaller events that are driven by local communities, and would also allow these events to be brought to fruition on shorter time frames and more often.

“This proposed new approach would reflect the passion of our communities for lively, animated local neighbourhoods and the need for them to be actively supported,” he said

“By sharing available funding across many more smaller and regular place-making activities and events, while still supporting local favourites, we can help foster a vibrant, cosmopolitan and resilient city for residents to enjoy and be proud of.”

Council is seeking community feedback on the matter, with the survey open until 5pm Friday May 6.

Mayor Tran said he welcomes any ideas or suggestions around what kind of events and festivals residents would actually like to see as a part of the new program.

“This might be something you have seen or experienced somewhere else you feel our community would embrace,” he said.
