Maribyrnong’s budget wishlists

(Joshua Hoehne/Unsplash)

Funding for a performing arts theatre, library rebuild and new park in central Footscray, better bus services and air quality improvements top Maribyrnong council’s wishlist ahead of the 2024-25 state and federal budgets.

The state budget will be handed down on Tuesday, May 7, while the federal government will deliver its budget on Tuesday, May 14.

Maribyrnong acting chief executive Lisa King said state and federal budget funding is always a welcome announcement, as it helps support the council’s vision for the community’s future.

“Council will continue to advocate, as we did last year, for funding to support a detailed business case and feasibility study for Creative West – formerly known as NeXT.

“Which will include a performing arts theatre, library rebuild and a new park all to be located in central Footscray.

“Melbourne’s metropolitan west only has one purpose built +500 seat performing arts theatre, and Creative West aims to fill this gap.”

Ms King said council will continue to seek funding to support the design and delivery of active transport improvements, including the implementation of strategic cycling corridors to improve safety and connectivity.

“This year, we are also advocating for better buses in Melbourne’s west, highlighting that bus reform must be prioritised in the west to address existing public transport service inequities,” she said.

“We are also seeking to work with all levels of government to enact climate action initiatives that will support emergency mitigation and air quality improvement.”

Ms King said council welcomed the $10 million for the upgrade of Shorten Reserve and RecWest in Footscray last year.

“Council also welcomed the funding to support the development of new mental health and wellbeing programs for young adults in the inner-west, which council advocated for through LeadWest, an alliance between five metropolitan Melbourne councils.

“We also welcomed the $20 million investment to improve air quality in the inner-west, for the development of programs to modernise trucks.”

Jennifer Pittorino