Medicinal cannabis a Maribyrnong enterprise?

Cr Michael Clarke. (Supplied) 251836_01

Cr Michael Clarke

I know many of you have questions around council’s proposal to establish a business to cultivate, produce and manufacture medicinal cannabis to reduce the burden on ratepayers.

We believe there is a potential opportunity for council to partner with government and private industry – the scientists and experts – to establish a business that promises benefits to our ratepayers in a number of areas: employment, rates relief and their health and wellbeing.

We know, for example, the cost of imported medicinal cannabis is prohibitive for many looking for relief from pain or side effects of treatments and an enterprise like this would benefit those in our community for whom conventional treatments may not work. As well as jobs, there will likely also be flow on impacts also in relation to research and development initiatives in the region.

To be honest, we do not have all the answers and that is in part because we have yet to undertake any detailed investigations. This is because we want to understand the community appetite for such a venture first before embarking on the necessary feasibility study or risk assessment, which would be the next steps, were we to proceed further.

Having said that, my fellow councillors and I would be pleased to talk with you more on this and tell you what we can, and I warmly invite you to join us in an on-line community forum on Thursday, September 30, at 6pm to discuss the proposal further.

You will need to register and can do that here.

I must say it has been heartening to receive the level of support we have to date, at least in principle, for the idea. While council is committed to seeking alternate revenue streams and external funding opportunities to reduce the reliance on rates, we have very clearly said that we will not proceed on this proposal, without it.

You can let us know your thoughts on the proposal via council’s online digital engagement platform, Medicinal cannabis, Your City Your Voice by October 15, 2021.