Merger to support bisexuals in Victoria


Two leading LGBTQIA+ organisations have merged to form Bi+ Pride Victoria.

The Melbourne Bisexual Network and Bisexual Alliance Victoria have merged together on Bi+ Visibility Day to strengthen support and advocacy for bi+ people.

Bi+ refers to people who are attracted to more than one gender regardless of how they identify.

The merger is supported by the state government, who invested $32,000 in the move so that the organisation can release research highlighting biphobia and bi-erasure.

Equality Minister Harriet Shing said it marked a key step in advancing the interests of bi+ Victorians.

“Here in Victoria, equality is not negotiable,” she said.

“The merger to form Bi+ Pride Victoria will deliver and advocate for the issues that affect the bi+ community – highlighted through the nation-leading research launched today.”

A recent report, Spaces to Be – A History of Bisexual Groups in Victoria, highlights lived experiences and recommends increased research, along with specific resources and support for bi+ people.

Spaces to Be researcher Dr Hamish McIntosh said some sobering facts had made themselves apparent in the report.

“Despite bi+ Victorians representing the largest population in our rainbow community, they continue to endure high rates of isolation from within and without queer spaces,” he said.

“This report sheds much-needed light on the ways that bi+ people have come together for solidarity and support over the last five decades in the face of this erasure.”

Bi+ Visibility Day, also known as Celebrate Bisexuality Day, is held every year at the end of Bisexual Awareness Week and focuses on celebrating bi+ people.