Million dollar makeover

The opening of the $1 million jetty refurbishment. (Supplied)

The Newport Anglers Club has reopened its jtty facilities after a $1 million refurbishment.

After three and a half months of construction, the club celebrated the opening on Saturday, December 9.

Committee member Lindsay Morton said the club has been planning for the refurbishment for more than 10 years, and is excited to have it completed.

“Everything that was built in the mid ’40s was well and truly at the end of its life and couldn’t be maintained any further,” he said.

With $500,000 from the West Gate Neighbourhood fund, the club supplied the other half to fund a full refurbishment.

“It has been replaced with a brand new floating pontoon that supports disabled access,” he said.

“As well as a new concrete ramp, new decking and handrails, the level of safety has certainly improved as well as the usability.”

Mr Morton said more than 35,000 visitors per year will benefit from the new refurbishment.

“They will all be from different walks of life and groups, some users will be from our club,” he said.

“Others are dog users who love it because they can’t take their dogs on Williamstown beach, we have kayakers, snorkelers, wedding parties who take photos and will continue to do so, and visitors who just come and enjoy the view.”