Mini documentarians shoot their shot

Year 5 and 6 students from St Augustine's Yarraville made a documentary on the West Gate Bridge collapse, school captain Leo leads the group. (Damjan Janevski) 337412_02

Jennifer Pittorino

A group of bright primary school kids are well on their way to becoming the next generation of filmmakers after writing, directing, and producing their own documentary.

Two classes of 20 year 5 and 6 kids from St Augustine’s Yarraville along with teacher Loretta Le Boeuf created ‘Through Our Lens’, a documentary that looks back on the 1970 collapse of the West Gate Bridge.

The idea for the documentary came to Ms Le Boeuf while she was looking out a window overlooking the bridge.

“I told the kids about the collapse and they were stunned, they thought the bridge had always been there,” she said.

“We thought the students could learn about building and constructing bridges as well as engineering, mathematical and financial aspects.”

Mobil offer Bright Future Grants which support maths and science education in local schools.

Schools need to submit an ‘exceptional idea’ to go in the running to win a $10,000 grant.

Winning the grant allowed the students to buy the equipment needed to make the heartfelt documentary.

The kids researched, studied script writing, and interviewed seven subjects who all had some relation to the disaster.

“The interviews were a learning curve for the kids dealing with adults in a professional setting, the interviews were all very emotional,” Ms Le Boeuf said.

“…The whole time the kids were extremely dedicated, it was a learning experience for us all.”

Ms Le Boeuf said it started off as a factual report but it turned out to be a really emotional piece.

“We showed the personal effect it had on everyone and the ripple effect it had on the community.”

A 20 minute documentary was the product of 12 months of work that is being premiered on Wednesday, June 21, at the Sun Theatre.

Details: Tickets can be purchased by calling reception, (03) 9314 5996