More trees for west


The Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation (WTOAC) will grow thousands of native trees to be planted as part of the state government’s More Trees for a Cooler, Greener West initiative.

Residents in Melbourne’s west can look forward to greener streets, schools, parks and trails with thousands of advanced trees and saplings being planted across six council areas including Maribyrnong and Hobsons Bay.

The WTOAC will grow 5000 native tube stock to be planted on Wadawurrung country in Melbourne’s west as early as autumn 2022.

The $19,000 contract will enable Wadawurrung to expand its blossoming nursery business to grow more native trees.

The More Trees for a Cooler, Greener West initiative is a $5 million investment to plant both mature and young trees across Melbourne’s west providing more shade and green spaces, driving down pollution, improving air quality and helping tackle climate change.

The first phase of the initiative saw trees planted in spring this year, with more planting to begin in autumn 2022.

The trees will bolster Victoria’s efforts to tackle climate change, helping meet our ambitious target to halve emissions by 2030 as we work towards reaching net-zero emissions by 2050.

Phase two of the program will include planting tens of thousands of trees in 2022.

Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio said: “This is a vital step to helping green up Melbourne’s west, increase our urban forests and strengthen the connection between Victoria’s diverse Aboriginal business suppliers and the government.”

“The Labor government is increasing biodiversity by planting a variety of tree sizes and species which will also contribute to wildlife corridors.

“These trees will provide more green space for residents to enjoy and increase connections with nature and improve mental and physical health.”

Wadawurrung traditional owner, from the WTOAC, Chris Fagan said: “Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation (WTOAC) is delighted to partner with the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning in this project.

“Not only does it support the goals of our Country plan ‘Paleert Tjaara Dja’ (Let’s make Country good together), it also supports our caring for Country enterprise, which is now underway.”