Newport Muslim leaders to fight family violence

Australian Arabic Women’s Community Group president Laila Houli. Picture: Damjan Janevski

Hobsons Bay’s Muslim community leaders are ready to play their part in fighting family violence as a new mosque being built at Newport places them in the spotlight.

As the Australian Islamic Centre in Blenheim Road takes shape, community leaders have extended a hand towards tackling family violence in their own and the broader community.

The contemporary centre, designed by world-renowned Sydney architect Glenn Murcutt in collaboration with local architect Hakan Elevli, is the subject of two upcoming documentaries and an exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria.

The centre, almost a decade in the making, is being funded and built by members of the local community.

A pre-Ramadan conference in Newport last Thursday heard that part of the new building would be accessible from this Monday, the start of Ramadan, Islam’s holy month of fasting.

The gathering, organised by the , is an annual event where the community comes together to discuss issues of concern.

Newport Mosque Imam Abdullah Al Hawari, whose speech was later translated, put into a religious context that violence against women was not tolerated in Islam.

A special place for women

Group president Laila Houli said Islam had a very special place for women and it was important that they be protected against harm, especially when vulnerable.

“This topic is important to us because we do not accept or tolerate such behaviour in our community,” she said.

“This gathering also reminds us of the message of Ramadan, to reach out to others and increase our faith not just individually but as a community.”

Hobsons Bay mayor Peter Hemphill told the meeting that violence against women had to be tackled as one united community.

“It’s not up to women to avoid violence,” he said. “It’s up to men and the wider community to make sure violence doesn’t occur.”

Hobsons Bay police Inspector Michelle Young said it was pleasing to hear prominent male leaders speak out on the issue.

“In bringing this issue to the forefront, family violence is addressed holistically and those of us that can contribute through work or community will work together to increase the intolerance and reporting of this incredibly harmful and damaging scourge within our society,” she said.