My Place

Diego Pizarro with a piece from his installation Maze of Lost Souls, which referenced missing his extended family who live in Chile. (Jackie Dixon)

Footscray Community Arts’ ArtLife program has helped provide local artists with a disability with opportunities for them to work towards individual artistic goals. Participant Diego Pizarro’s new comic book creation Electric Man is currently on exhibition at locations across the west, including local train stations, The Substation and Footscray Community Arts. Matthew Sims spoke with him about what inspires his work and which places fuel his creative passions.

What are some of your favourite places to visit?

I like going to the Substation and looking at the art. I loved the French festival there. There was a performance with violins and dance and I really enjoyed it. I loved going to Trocadero when it was on Barkly Street. There was always something different in each room. I love anywhere with live music too.

What places inspire you creatively?

Anywhere with street art and galleries. Santiago, where my family live, has been a big inspiration for Electric Man. When I go there, I always notice a lot of people experiencing homelessness. It inspired me to create Electric Man to help people who don’t have shelter or electricity. I was using my imagination a lot when I was in Santiago, picturing what Electric Man would be doing there. The museum of Santiago is also a big inspiration for me.

What other connections do you have to places?

I’ve been to Tasmania – there’s a lot of art there. I feel the strongest connection to Melbourne because I was born here and that’s where my family and friends live.

Where did you grow up and where are your family?

I grew up here in Australia and my Mum and Dad are from Santiago, Chile. They came to Australia before I was born. I have many family members in Santiago and so Santiago is home to me as well as Melbourne.

How do you reconnect with where you grew up and how do you connect with where you live currently?

I grew up in Australia as well as Santiago. I connect with both places through talking and connecting with my family.

Tell us something people would be surprised to know about you.

One of my goals is to one day create a finished comic book of Electric Man. One of my hobbies is photography and I’d also like to have a photography exhibition one day. I would also love to go on a solo travel adventure by myself.
