My Place

Newport author Louise Karch was a co-author on The Carbon Almanac, a book collating facts on climate change. (Polo Jimenez)

Originally hailing from Canada, author and marketer Louise Karch has now put down roots in Newport. She spoke to Matthew Sims about her many passions, including promoting eco-awareness and finding inspiration within nature.

How did you become a Hobsons Bay local?

I traded maple trees for gum trees 10 years ago. I thought I bought a ticket to Sydney, Nova Scotia but I ended up in Sydney, Australia. Actually, work brought the family down under and Melbourne’s west became home. I am a dual citizen now; but, I still say g’day with a slight Canadian twang.

What surprised you about moving from Canada to Australia?

Santa Claus wearing board shorts. I’d never seen his knees.

What was the unexpected gift of moving at mid-life?

Leaving everything behind meant reinventing myself. I started naming brands around the world and ended up a business author. There are more than 100 writers in Hobsons Bay, must be the sea air.

What’s your latest book?

I co-authored The Carbon Almanac with 300 volunteer authors from 41 countries, as part of a year and a half of work. Leaders feel uncomfortable talking about carbon. We published an easy to use, fact-based resource to get the climate conversation started. As four out of five children have eco-anxiety, we created a free educators’ guide and kids’ book called Generation Carbon. It’s not too late to make a difference. There is so much opportunity for businesses willing to lead.

What inspires you on a daily basis?

Making my living as a creative professional means I have to nourish what nourishes me. The west is best. I love my little street in Newport. I’m four blocks from The Strand which I walk daily. Being a leader requires vitality. Green and blue is good for you, so I regularly spend time in Sandy Point Nature Reserve and Newport Lakes. Regenerative spaces regenerate me. If you see a gal with a green Park Angel bucket and tongs picking up trash or pulling weeds, that’s me. Please say hi.

What’s a fun fact about you?

I’ve spoken to audiences from Auckland to the Arctic. I prefer being warm. The funniest wardrobe malfunction was splitting the backside of my ski pants dog sledding in Iqaluit in Canada.
