My Place: Franca Di Pietro

Franca with her new book 'Life with a Psychopath'. (Joe Mastroianni) 271665_03

Hobsons Bay resident Franca Di Pietro has recently completed her first novel, a drama/thriller called ‘Life with a Psychopath’. She speaks to Molly Magennis about her new book, her passion for writing and what she loves the most about living in the west.

What’s your connection to Hobson’s Bay?

I grew up in Hobson’s Bay and went to both Primary and Secondary schools in the area. My parents, sister and most of my extended family are long term residents. I lived away on the other side of town for a while but returned to my roots a couple of years back. The changes in Hobson’s Bay over the years have been dramatic. There is so much more to do, the services are so much better, even the dining options have advanced in “leaps and bounds”.

What do you like most about where you live?

Coming back to Hobsons Bay has really felt like returning to a comfortable home. I love living close to the water and reconnecting with friends and family. Hobsons Bay has all of the benefits of being out of what I experience as the claustrophobic crush of the inner suburbs, but at the same time it is so easily accessible to attractions outside the metropolis. Geelong is “just down the road”. Getting to Ballarat is just a right turn onto the Ring Road and you then keep going. Even the Surf Coast is an easy day trip. I love the friendly community feel of our municipality. It’s so common to run into friends and family, just picking up a loaf of bread and litre of milk at the local IGA. I also like the open space, the parks and wetlands that break up what would otherwise be the monotony of suburbia.

What, if anything would you change about where you live?

That’s hard to say. I am really happy here. I’d love to see more of those wonderful, picturesque second hand bookshops pop up in the area. You know, the places with the eccentric, dusty owners that seem to know every obscure book on the shelves and love a chat. They’re somewhere I can often be found wasting hours – and needing to be dragged out after a prolonged period by my partner before I buy half the stock!

Where is your local favourite place to spend time?

There are so many great places in Hobson’s Bay, both of which have been around for a long time and some that are relatively new. I love hanging around anywhere at Nelson Place in Williamstown and also have a soft spot for Favour and Grace located in Laverton, a hidden gem that I hope I’m not compromising by mentioning! I love the beach walks at Altona and Williamstown – and so does my two year old son!

Tell us about your new book Life with a Psychopath

Life with a Psychopath was written primarily for victims of domestic violence as well as readers who like a thrilling read. I also wrote the book in gratitude for those who have a passion for assisting people in this situation. They are lifesavers, frequently literally. My novel tells the story of a young Italian woman named Carmella who becomes involved in a relationship which degenerates into a manipulative disaster. I believe it differs from other novels in a sense where some of Carmella’s internal thoughts on her situation will leave the reader amused. Without providing spoilers, Carmella’s story is not a tragedy, it’s a triumph.

I have been asked by people what the rooster on the front cover represents. The book reveals all about that. To me, it sums up the essence of a toxic relationship, an attractive ornament, shattered by dysfunction. You’ll need to read the book to get the full story!

Why was it so important for you to write a book for victims/survivors of domestic abuse?

The message I would like to get out there is that there is a way out for victims (both male and female) to take back their life if they are involved in a situation like this. Everyone has an inner strength and courage to do so and they just need to work out the best way to do that.

Have you always wanted to be an author and release a novel?

I have a passion for writing and telling tales and have always wanted to write a novel. I remember announcing in a year 7 English class that I wanted to be an author which is something I have now achieved. I’m very fortunate to have a supportive partner, family and friends around me which was what assisted to encourage and motivate me to reach my goal. A lot of time was invested in this but both the experience and end product were totally worth it.

What’s next in the pipeline for you as an author?

Life with a Psychopath is due for release soon but I have lots of ideas for other projects. My mind is forever coming up with new ideas, especially in the middle of the night and those very few who know me well always know to expect the unexpected. To others I am the dark horse. There will definitely be a sequel to Life with a Psychopath. I might also try writing a non-fiction book containing a collection of stories about victims’ lived experiences who have survived domestic violence and what they did to release themselves from their situations. For more information on the release date on Life with a Psychopath or if you have any

questions Franca is happy to be contacted at