New magistrates appointed


Four new magistrates have been appointed by the state government.

On Tuesday, Attorney-General Jaclyn Symes congratulated Nicole Spicer, James FitzGerald, Matthew Page and William Parker on their appointments which began immediately.

Ms Spicer has been a senior legal advisor at the Victorian Government Solicitor’s Office (VGSO) since 2020, acting as lead counsel of royal commissions and inquiries from 2022.

Ms Spicer served as co-chair of the criminal law section of the Law Institute of Victoria as well as teaching at Monash and Deakin universities. She holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) and a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) from the University of Melbourne.

Mr FitzGerald has been a barrister since 2005, including seven years as a senior public defender at Victoria Legal Aid from 2014 to 2021.

He was previously a solicitor at the Office of Public Prosecutions.

He holds a Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice and a Bachelor of Laws from the Queensland University of Technology.

Mr Page has specialised in criminal law and been a solicitor in Melbourne and London. He holds a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Arts from the Australian National University.

Mr Parker has regularly appeared in the Magistrates’ Court and County Court jurisdictions and has also worked as a solicitor.

He holds a Master of Asian Studies, a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and a Bachelor of Arts from Monash University.

“These four highly qualified magistrates will strengthen our judiciary and ensure that our courts can continue to deliver just outcomes for Victorians,” said Ms Symes of the appointments.

“They bring a demonstrated commitment to justice and I am confident they will continue to serve the sector well.”