New off-road motorcycle safety campaign


The state government has launched a off-road motorcycle safety campaign to curb the number of preventable off-road riding injuries and fatalities, including in Maribyrnong and Hobsons Bay.

According to the government, Victoria has recorded 33 fatalities among off-road motorcycle riders and for every one of those fatalities, there are hundreds of preventable injuries.

“Off-road motorcycle riding is an increasingly popular outdoor lifestyle activity for many Victorians – and with warmer and drier weather on the way, many are set to venture out on their motorbikes and off-road this summer,” the Department of Health said.

“However, there’s one thing riders can always expect to encounter when venturing off-road: the unexpected. Riding styles and environments may vary, and motorcycle riding can be dangerous.”

The campaign was developed by the department in response to a Victorian Coroner’s Court recommendation following a young female rider’s tragic death. The aim of the program is to increase “rider awareness and preparedness of potential hazards, encourage the use of protective gear on every ride, and support young riders to ride more safely”.

“To reduce the number of riding injuries and fatalities, on every ride, riders should wear a good-fitting helmet, body armour, and all the right protective gear – even if only practising,” the department said.

“Riders should also prepare their motorbikes for the weather and riding conditions by checking before each ride that their headlights and brake lights work, that there’s good tread on their tyres, and the throttle doesn’t stick.

“Finally, we want riders to make it home safely after a great ride, by anticipating and avoiding obstacles and staying alert for changing and hazardous conditions. Beginners should practise and prepare with an experienced rider who can act as a guide on unfamiliar trails. All riders should avoid riding alone, and always let someone else know where they plan to ride.”

The department said extra precautions for off-road rides should include taking a fully-charged phone, as well as using a personal locator beacon and bringing along a first aid kit.
