New technology to enhance pedestrian safety in Yarraville

Minister for roads and road Safety Melissa Horne and principal of Wembley Primary School Vassie Vatsilas-D'Arcangelo (Supplied)

Anne Parisianne

Heading to and from school will soon become easier and safer for hundreds of students and their families in Yarraville.

New pedestrian technology is set to be installed at the traffic lights on Wembley Avenue, providing a much-needed safety upgrade for the community.

The new technology will give students, teachers and community members a head start when crossing the road before cars can turn, making pedestrians more visible to turning drivers.

This technology will ensure pedestrians are more visible to turning drivers, making walking to and from Wembley Primary School safer for the school community.

New signage will also be installed at the intersection to alert drivers to the pedestrian crossing.

The work to upgrade the crossing is expected to be completed by the end of June.

This project is part of the government’s broader initiative to implement increased school safety measures.

Wembley Primary School principal Vassie Vatsilas-D’Arcangelo thanked the state goverment and Roads Safety Minister Melissa Horne for her support of the Wembley Primary School community, in working in partnership to prioritise the safety of our students, parents and staff members, and wider community members.

“This traffic light upgrade is a great step forward in an ongoing plan to improve the road safety around Wembley Primary School,” she said.

Ms Horne said said the government had worked with the school and the community to introduce a small change that will have a big impact on the safety of school kids, teachers, parents and the broader community.