Youth showcase films at festival

Jack Fryer is involved in the Newport Youth Film Festival which is part of the Newport Folk Festival. (Shawn Smits)

The third annual Newport youth film festival will be held on Friday, kicking off the three-day Newport Folk Festival.

Film festival organiser Jack Fryer said this year’s entries had been submitted online to make it easier for young people.

“So far, we’ve got about seven; we’re waiting on a few more,” he said.

“They’re all five to 10-minute short films.

“We’re not limiting it to any sort of theme, it’s really pretty free range. But some of the films are more documentary style,” he said. “We’ve got one that’s a little bit of a documentary on the western suburbs.

“A few more are little creative pieces. We’ve got one piece which is called

The Witches – it’s kind of a little bit of a noir setting.”

A panel of three judges will select winners from two age categories, 12-17 years and 18-25 years. A people’s choice award will also be presented.

The film festival is on July 3 from 7.30-10pm at Newport Scout Hall.

Entry is $8 for adults, $5 concession or Fiddle and Folk Club members, and $3 for children aged five to 15, or people with a folk festival pass.

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