No more lonely hearts


The Heart Foundation is encouraging Australians living with a heart condition, including those in Maribyrnong and Hobsons Bay, to continue joining a burgeoning new online support community, MyHeart MyLife, to help improve their recovery and reduce their risk of loneliness.

A recent study in the BMC Medicine Journal reveals that both loneliness and social isolation increase risk of dying from cardiovascular disease by 53 per cent.

Amid these findings linking mental health challenges and social isolation to increased heart disease risk, the Foundation’s initiative seeks to mitigate loneliness and support recovery for heart event survivors.

More than 1000 Australians living with a heart condition have joined the MyHeart MyLife community since it launched three months ago, almost doubling the number of active members to 2300.

Heart Foundation Healthcare Programs manager Natalie Raffoul said that the connection between a person’s psychosocial health and wellbeing and a successful recovery from a life-changing heart event is now undeniable.

“This Valentine’s Day we don’t want to see any more broken hearts: we are urging Australians living with a heart condition to connect with others by joining the MyHeart MyLife online community,” she said.

“Coming to terms with a heart disease diagnosis can be physically and emotionally challenging. Some people may experience anxiety and depression and feel socially isolated. This can lead to poor heart health outcomes and reduced quality of life.”

The MyHeart MyLife community stands as a testament to the power of shared experiences and support, providing a platform where individuals navigating heart disease can find companionship, advice, and encouragement.

The online platform is free and can be accessed from mostly any device with an internet connection. Visit to learn more and join today.