Opening discussions on proposed level crossing closure

A number of Newport and Williamstown residents and community members have expressed their opposition to the proposed closure of the Champion Road level crossing. (Supplied)

By Matthew Sims

Hobsons Bay council has expressed its disappointment with the lack of consultation around the proposed closure of the Champion Road level crossing in Newport.

During its meeting on Tuesday, November 15, councillor Matt Tyler moved a motion to write to Transport Infrastructure Minister expressing its disappointment about the lack of consultation on the proposed closure of Champion Road, welcoming the announcements of other level crossing removals and the redevelopment of the Spotswood station and seek an urgent meeting with the Level Crossing Removal Authority.

As part of an announcement on October 26, Labor pledged to remove the remaining level crossings along the Werribee line, including Champion Road.

Under the initial plans, Labor proposed building a grade-separated pedestrian crossing at Champion Road linking in to local paths and diverting traffic to a proposed new rail bridge at the Maddox Road level crossing.

Cr Tyler said the motion aimed to strike a balance between council’s stance on the announcements.

“I think our community is best served when we are able to engage with our state and federal government counterparts respectfully, and that requires having a decent relationship,” Cr Tyler said.

“I think it’s important, as we express understandable disappointment about a lack of consultation, that simultaneously we acknowledge the positive aspects of the announcement.”

He said he hoped there would be future conversations between the council and the state government about any proposed level crossing removals or road closures.

“It is disappointing…that council wasn’t consulted about the closure of Champion Road,” Cr Tyler said.

“There will be…a dialogue back and forth between the state government and our community, as well as with council.”

Cr Jonathon Marsden said it was “imperative” that the council meets with relevant state government representatives concerning the Champion Road project.

“I personally am disappointed that we didn’t have any warning of this sudden closure of a key route,” he said.

Cr Peter Hemphill said he believed closing Champion Road would put “unbelievable pressure” on Maddox Road and Mason Street.

“I think it’s pretty evident the government has not done its homework,” he said.

“I believe the government could put rail over or rail under at Champion Road, but probably doesn’t want to do it for cost reasons.”

Cr Pamela Sutton-Legaud said she supported the motion as it would encourage a more open discussion between the state government and council.

“No matter which political party is in power, we need better consultation,” she said.