Operation summer on the horizon

Senior Sergeant Vanesa Tzounas. (Damjan Janevski) 369793_03

Jennifer Pittorino

Williamstown police gearing up for a busy summer period with their new summer policing framework.

Senior Sergeant Vanesa Tzounas said as the warmer weather approaches, the waterfront areas will have an increase in patronage and with it an increase in community concern.

She said they are going to implement Operation Summer Safe, which will provide a proactive approach to crime and public border issues within the Williamstown and Altona beach precinct.

This framework will encompass both early engagement and a zero tolerance approach which Ms Tzounas said will involve lots of planning and working with local traders and Hobsons Bay council.

“This way we can identify what their concerns are and have a collaborative approach to the summer policing period in terms of the proactive approach and enforcement approach,“ she said.

From a policing point of view, Ms Tzounas said they will be looking to reduce crime and manage public order issues.

“We are also aiming to increase public confidence and safety in the community and surrounds,” she said.

“The key focus for us in terms of policing will be to have a highly visible police and early engagement focus within individuals or groups who we know will frequent the area.

“We will be focusing on anti social behaviour in that area to make sure that the people that are visiting are having a great time and feeling safe and supported in the community.”

Hobsons Bay council has appointed Victoria Police as authorised officers, which Ms Tzounas said will allow police to enforce local laws.

“We will be able to give out penalty notices for drinking and those types of infringements,” she said.

“This is not something new, we do this year after year, but I think we’ll be able to build on the successes and the learnings from previous years to make sure that we have a really successful summer policing period here in Hobsons Bay leading to the communities feeling safe and supported.”