Outdoor dining extended

Daria Kellander celebrates with Altona Village Traders Association vice president Adrian Davey. (Damjan Janevski) 229908_04

Goya Dmytryshchak

Hobsons Bay traders are celebrating the council’s decision to extend outdoor trading for at least another year until May 31, 2022.

It was the Altona Village Traders Association that initially led the call for road closures and outdoor dining to keep restaurants and bars alive during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Hobsons Bay council had sought feedback from community members, visitors and traders about their experiences of outdoor trading and if it was something they would like to happen again.

Village Traders’ president Ilch Mickovski said the year-long extension was a relief for businesses.

“The Hobsons Bay community and traders are delighted with the extension of outdoor trading until May 31, 2022,” he said.

“This now allows businesses to make decisions knowing they have this platform to use for the next 12 months until council finalises its review next year.

“An overwhelming response was provided by the community, who really embraced this space.

“We thank them for their support to local businesses.”

Hobsons Bay deputy mayor Daria Kellander said for the month of April, the council’s outdoor dining Facebook post had the most response with 5448 total engagements.

She said more than 1000 people had provided feedback.

“As a councillor it makes it so much easier to fight for the cause with the trader and community support and feedback that proves how successful this scheme is,” she said.

“Whilst outdoor dining has supported trader recovery through COVID, it has also aided social recovery and wellbeing by encouraging our communities to occupy public space.

“This 12-month extension is a fantastic outcome and I hope that everyone continues to enjoy it.”