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Community batteries a bright idea

Community batteries allow individuals to simultaneously save money and reduce their carbon footprint, but there are advantages for others, too, says Steve. “For the...

Water treatment seeing upgrade

Wastewater treatment in Melbourne’s west is about to be transformed, modernising the plant to ensure the health and sanitation needs of Victoria’s growing population...

Phone concern dials up

A Royal Automobile Club of Victoria (RACV) poll has revealed many Victorians, including those in Maribyrnong and Hobsons Bay, consider drivers using phones one...

Financial distress concerning for patients

The Leukaemia Foundation is casting the spotlight on figures showing the significant financial distress blood cancer patients and their families are currently facing in...

Containers for the kids

Victoria’s new Container Deposit Scheme (CDS) is making it easy for Victorians, including those in Maribyrnong and Hobsons Bay, to donate their container refunds...

Victorians urged to keep up to date with cancer checks

The state government is calling on Victorians, including those in Maribyrnong and Hobsons Bay, to make sure their cancer screenings checks are up to...

Community Calendar

Holy Family Parish The Holy Family Parish in Maidstone is hosting an Alpha Night. Free meal and chance to chat. People from all backgrounds, faith,...

Dignity drive

As cost-of-living soars for those in Maribrynong and Hobsons bay, so to do period product requests from Share the Dignity’s charity partners for its...

Survey reveals lack of deaf awareness

A national survey has revealed parents of deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) children, including those in Maribyrnong and Hobsons Bay, have raised concerns...

Werribee’s ‘fantastic’ 100 club

As Australia's population ages and medical advances continue, the chances of living to or past 100 are also increasing. But what are the chances...

Funding pressure looms

Northern Victoria MP Wendy Lovell has warned neighbourhood houses will be under financial pressure and may be forced to cut back services if they...

Celebrating women

We have come a long way in our quest for gender equity, but of course there’s still plenty more to do. Having women participate more...

Call to join climate group

Members of the Maribyrnong community will soon have the chance to be a part of a new climate committee recently endorsed by council. In its...

Lantern festival sparkles

The West Footscray Op Shop hosted its lantern of festival of dreams on Saturday, February 24 to celebrate the new year. Manager Pradeep Tiwari said...

Parking permits pile on the pressure

For the two years that Karl Ferg has lived at his Altona North property he has obeyed the stringent parking regulations, but it appears...


Live music to rock on in Victoria

The state government has announced it will pour $3.9 million into gigs and festivals to ensure Victoria ‘remains the live music capital’ of the...