ParKanDo stands strong

Carmel Wall, Peter Wall and Pam West from ParKanDo. (Jacob Pattison) 348768_01

ParKanDo, based in Hobsons Bay, is a grassroots support group for people impacted by Parkinson’s.

The group is entirely volunteer run by three members who have Parkinson’s as well as one carer.

Upon moving from Queensland, Peter Wall and his wife Carmel discovered that most activities for people with Parkinson’s were located on the east side.

“We met Pam at a function, compared stories and ideas and as a result, ParkanDo was born,” he said.

Pam West is co-leader with Mr Wall , who together run ParKanDo to spread awareness about Parkinson’s and offer activities.

Member surveys identified preferred activities to be weekly Dance for Parkinson’s, Painting with Parkinson’s, strength classes and a guest speaker program..

“We are a peer support group, we survey our members and ask them what they want us to do for them,” said Ms West.

“We are funded and supported by Hobsons Bay council to be able to make the suggestions from ideas into reality.

“Another driving force for us, is to bust the myth that if you have Parkinson’s you don’t have a lot to contribute, we are just as able , we just do things differently.”

On Saturday, August 19, ParKanDo are hosting an Activity Fair at the Newport Community Hub, to get more people involved.

“There are 30 people diagnosed with Parkinson’s a day, and 800 people alone are diagnosed with Parkinson’s in Hobsons Bay alone,” said Mr Wall.

“We are not just a local group, we want to help as many people as possible.

“We currently have 99 members, when we set up our aim was to try and cover all of the west.

“There is a quote, I might have Parkinson’s but Parkinson’s doesn’t have me, that’s really important.”’

Jennifer Pittorino