Pet Census for owners in Victoria

The state government is backing the state’s first ever Pet Census to ensure pet owners across the state, including Maribyrnong and JHobsons Baby, have the support and services they need.

Agriculture minister Mary-Anne Thomas announced $613,000 from the Victorian Budget 2022/23 for the Pet Census, which will gather information on pet ownership and attitudes of pet owners.

Funding for the census is a part of the $18.6 million package to support animal care and protection as outlined in this year’s Budget.

The Pet Census will collect data across Victoria on a range of areas relevant to pet ownership and welfare, including:

– the demographics of Victoria’s pet owners and their pets,

– general matters relevant to pet health

– the costs and services associated with purchasing and caring for pets,

– the social and well-being impacts of pet ownership.

It is anticipated that the Victorian Pet Census will be conducted next year using an online survey.

Ms Thomas said: “Victorians love their pets and consider them part of their families. We are delivering the state’s first ever Pet Census to better understand the important role pets play in the lives of Victorians.”

“The Pet Census will help us ensure we’re best supporting our furry friends and their owners with the services they need.”