Jennifer Pittorino
Star Weekly is looking back at the best stories of last year and this is one of them.
A petition has been created in a bid to save the old pool at the Williamstown Swimming and Life Saving Club.
The ‘Save Our Pool’ petition, which has 1200 signatures to date, asks Hobsons Bay council to halt plans to remove the outdoor pool, the kiosk and the members’ lawn.
The works are part of a $14.3 million redevelopment of the WSLSC which will also involve retention of the pavillion, improved storage areas and amenities, a new café and public toilets, a new observation tower, gym, sauna and meeting spaces and improved landscapes.
Club member and lead petitioner Sarah Vincenzini said while the club does need funds for an upgrade of the pool and life saving functions, the council’s current plans would alter the capabilities and culture of the club.
“We oppose the new designs which are not fit for life saving purposes, member purposes or swimming purposes which are the core functions of WSLSC,” she said.
“I ask that the current funds are retained but the design is fully reconsidered with all of our concerns and extensive knowledge of our club taken into account.”
Opened in 1962, Ms Vincenzini said the club has provided the community with a social hub for nearly 60 years.
“We strongly oppose the plans to bulldoze the club pool, which has taught generations of local school kids how to swim, and provided an invaluable space for life savers and members to develop their water safety skills for the good of the entire community.
“…It is a place for young people to get together and have a positive social outlet and it’s super important because we don’t have any in the area.”
Ms Vincenzini said the change.org petition resonates with not only current members but also the wider community.
“Many people have an emotional connection to that pool and have great memories and an important relationship with the club.
“For this reason we hope the council will listen to their community and live up to their promises.
“We are very optimistic because we believe that the council and the committee do want to act in support of the members in the local community.”
Hobsons Bay council said it was unable to respond until it received the petition.
Details: www.change.org/p/save-our-pool-williamstown-swimming-life-saving-club
* Club asks members for their views. Page 7