Petitions call for parking changes

Jennifer Pittorino

Hobsons Bay council has received two petitions calling for improved parking conditions in the municipality.

At a council meeting on Tuesday, September 12, councillors were presented with one petition from the Altona Lifesaving Club and another from a group concerned about parking restrictions on the Esplanade.

The lifesaving club petition contained 82 signatures requesting volunteer parking passes.

The petition asked council to distribute passes to Volunteer Lifesaving Patrol members on rostered shifts at Altona Beach throughout the registered 2023-24 patrol season.

According to the petition, the recent installation of parking metres in Altona means volunteer patrolling members are unable to park in the vicinity of the clubhouse and beach, as patrol shifts of 6-8 hours exceed the allowable parking limit.

Councillor Daria Kellander said she didn’t support the implementation of parking metres while thanking all the volunteers who work at the lifesaving club.

“I personally really respect and value all the work that they do,” she said.

“I hope that given that summer is almost here, that council prioritises it quickly and offers a solution because this is really essential and it’s important that we have safety on our beaches.”

The second petition requested alterations to parking restrictions on the Esplanade, Altona. The petition attracted 58 signatures on paper and 61 signatures online through the petition.

The petition asks council to change metre times to 10am-4pm on the Esplanade from Bayview Street.

In addition, outside of metered hours, that the kayak fishing community be able to access the Flemings Pool area with vehicles and trailers allowing safe access to the water and avoiding the dangerous boat traffic entering and exiting the Altona boat ramp.

Councillor Marsden said the petition expresses a real dilemma for the people launching kayaks.

“A lot of these are hand carried or using hand dollies and so that they are not really suitable to launch down the boat ramp, so it is worth considering.”

Councillor Daria Kellander said kayaking brings economic activity to Hobsons Bay.

“It provides a mechanism for social connection and to improve health and well being.”