Three unique voices within Melbourne’s dance scene will be bringing their newest creations to The Substation.
Lucy Guerin Inc’s newest exhibition of its show Pieces will be hitting the stage in Newport from Wednesday, December 14 to Saturday, December 17.
Artistic director and performance co-curator Lucy Guerin said the show is the newest form of a work which has been running since 2005 and the third exhibition of the show at The Substation.
“This program is sort of for choreographers who need a chance to step up,” she said.
The commissioning structure provides selected artists with resources to challenge their regular practice and dive into a singular choreographic exploration.
This year’s performance of Pieces will feature internationally acclaimed choreographer Melanie Lane, whose works have been exhibited in Berlin and Indonesia.
“It’s quiet a dark and mysterious piece,” Guerin said.
Guerin said each piece, including those from choreographers Amber McCartney and Rachael Wisby, were all “quite off-centre”.
“They’re investigating quiet strange elements, event extending into horror,” she said.
“It’s always a surprise to see how the pieces might link.”
Pieces will be exhibited at The Substation from 7.30pm from Wednesday, December 14 to Saturday, December 17 with a 3pm matinee performance on Saturday, December 17.
There will be also be an Auslan interpreted artist talk following the performance on Friday, December 16.
Details: thesubstation.org.au/program/pieces-2022
Matthew Sims