Pitching in to make Hobsons Bay better

Hobsons Bay councillor Jonathon Marsden. (Supplied)

By Cr Jonathon Marsden

The best thing about being on council is travelling around Hobsons Bay and meeting and talking to our residents.

So many of us are so passionate about our neighbourhoods and have great ideas about how to make them better.

No two places are the same.

Sometimes it’s only by living somewhere every day that you gain that knowledge of what would make life better for your area.

That’s why we are so excited to see what comes out of Pitch Your Project 2023.

Pitch Your Project is a way for residents to send in their ideas for projects that will make Hobsons Bay a better place to live, work, play and study.

You might have an idea that fixes a problem in your neighbourhood or that would really bring the community together.

It’s a great opportunity for people who have a brilliant proposal but don’t know how to make it happen.

This is your chance to put those ideas to the council.

All ideas get assessed and the shortlist goes to a community vote.

The projects that are selected will be delivered by council in the 2023/24 financial year.

Up to $50,000 is available to deliver each project.

Check out our website at hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au/pitch for more information or to submit your idea.

The other thing I’m really chuffed to see is the launch of a new app that allows people to discover all the great arts and culture and heritage sites around our city.

It’s called Experience Hobsons Bay.

The app has maps pinpointing some great places of interest in the 12 suburbs that make up our city and provides information to understand the backstory and meaning of each place.

Whether it’s public art or street art, sculptures or just places with long and interesting histories, I think you’ll find this app to be a great way for locals and visitors to know Hobsons Bay better.

I am really proud of the rich history of Hobsons Bay and want us to celebrate it as much as we can.

I hope this app inspires you to discover new places and to see our home with fresh eyes.