Power report highlights greenhouse emission cuts

(Unsplash/Intricate Explorer)

Electricity distribution networks CitiPower and Powercor have reported a 17 per cent decrease in their greenhouse gas emissions over the past four years in its 2022 Sustainability Report.

The reduction in emissions put the networks on track to meet their 2030 target of achieving a 30 per cent reduction compared to 2019 baseline levels.

The report provided broad information on action taken in 2022 for a variety of sustainability key performance indicators under four areas – safe and equitable workplaces, environmental and climate resilience, empowering communities and responsible governance.

CitiPower and Powercor chief executive Tim Rourke said the networks were making progress on their sustainability commitments to customers, employees, shareholders and the communities we operate within.

“Expectations for our performance are changing, particularly as our communities experience the impacts of climate change,” he said.

“We are taking the actions needed to reduce our impact on climate change and mitigate the impact of extreme weather events on the network for our customers and their communities.”

Not including major weather events, Powercor customers experienced 99.97 per cent reliability of electricity supplies with 121 minutes off supply on average, below our 2026 target of 124 minutes.

CitiPower customers experienced 99.99 per cent reliability, or an average of 15 minutes off supply during the year, below our 2026 target of 24.7 minutes.

Details: www.powercor.com.au/about-us/sustainability