Surprise Yarraville visit by Tarantino and friends

Quentin Tarantino at Yarraville's Sun Theatre.

Quentin Tarantino fans received a shock treat on Monday night when the cult Hollywood director made a surprise visit to Yarraville to discuss his new film The Hateful Eight with fans.

A buzz rippled through the crowd building outside the Sun Theatre about 8pm as they gathered for a rumoured glimpse of the revered writer and director along with Samuel L. Jackson and Kurt Russell, the stars of his bloody western.

Jackson and Russell passed through the adoring throng at the front of the cinema as Tarantino slipped in quietly via a side entrance.

But the director was more than happy to chat once inside, bounding down the cinema stairs to express gratitude to the fans lucky enough to score a ticket to the sold-out sessions of his eighth film.

“Well thanks for coming out to see my movie, it means a whole lot to me, I really appreciate it.

“In particular I want to thank [cinema owner Michael Smith] and his wonderful, dedicated crew that brought in the 70mm projector to give you guys in this town a hell of a show.”

The Yarraville cinema is one of only a handful worldwide showing the film in 70-millimetre ultra Panavision.



The screenings are taking place using a restored projector found in the garage of former Sun Theatre projectionist Brian Davis.

“I saw that show-reel that showed how they did it, I watched that in Los Angeles and I actually had a tear come down my cheek I was so moved by it,” Tarantino said.

“I just wanted to say you are very lucky to live in a town that has a cinema like this, you are very fortunate.”

Cinema owner and movie buff Michael Smith said rumours had been swirling about Tarantino’s possible visit but the cinema only received confirmation late on Monday that the stars would be appearing.

“It’s pretty exciting for our little cinema to have these guys here, it might be the highlight of my life.”