RAAF Laverton sewer spill under control

Greater Western Water workers have been working hard to limit the damage of a sewer spill, which occurred on Tuesday, November 29. (Supplied)

Quick work from Greater Western Water workers have limited any impact of a sewerage spill at the RAAF base in Laverton.

According to a Greater Western Water spokesperson, a burst sewer main occurred in the early hours of Tuesday, November 29.

“Teams were onsite quickly and worked to repair the pipe and minimise any impact on nearby Laverton Creek,” the spokesperson said.

“We worked closely with the EPA, the RAAF base, Melbourne Water and DELWP to resolve the issue.

“Repairs are now complete, and the booms that were floating in Laverton Creek to reduce wastewater entering the creek have been removed.”

The spokesperson said clean-up activities and comprehensive water sampling has continued.

“We thank nearby residents for their patience while we worked to fix the issue,” the spokesperson said.

“As a precaution, people and pets should still avoid the water in the creek and the surrounding area behind Ulm Street and Merton Street.

“Signs and tape will remain in place around the creek while we wait for the results of this testing.”

Greater Western Water worked with EPA, the RAAF base, Melbourne Water and DELWP to resolve the issue.

Details: 13 44 99 or www.gww.com.au