Rejuvenating Little Africa

Maribyrnong mayor Cuc Lam (right) visited the Littler Africa Precinct last week to celebrate its rejuvenation. (Supplied)

A monthly African night market during summer and a pilot program transforming underutilised commercial properties in the Footscray CBD into creative spaces are among the projects Maribyrnong council hopes will help continue its rejuvenation of the Little Africa Precinct.

Council and the state government have contributed funding to improve the Footscray precinct, with key improvements including the installation of new lighting infrastructure, which council said has improved the perception of safety in the area.

As part of the renewal project, council has also supported ongoing safe space activations, including community festivals, events, and significant cultural receptions, with 10 different festival events and shopfront activations along Nicholson and Paisley streets.

Council said one of the standout successes of the Little Africa Precinct renewal project is the transformation of the Metro West building into a pop-up gallery, Show Us Your Westside, which opened to the public in early August. The gallery’s opening event was attended by 500 people.

Council said the new lights will pave the way for a monthly night market and creative spaces pilot, which it hopes will draw visitors to the area.

Mayor Cuc Lam visited the precinct last week with Footscray MP Katie Hall to celebrate its rejuvenation.

“The Little Africa Precinct Renewal project is a testament to the power of collaboration between the state government, council, and the local community. Together, we have created a safer, more vibrant space that celebrates Footscray’s rich cultural diversity,” she said.

“We are hopeful the revitalisation of this area of the Footscray CBD will encourage more visitors to enjoy outdoor dining and retail shopping further invigorating this important cultural space.”