Renewal of Laverton pool not “prudent”

Hobsons Bay council's Aquatic Strategy recommended the development of a new aquatic facility at Bruce Comben Reserve in Altona Meadows to service the Western end of the municipality. (Supplied)

By Matthew Sims

Hobsons Bay council has released a report highlighting that it “would neither be technically nor financially prudent” to retain the Laverton Swim and Fitness Centre [LSFC] as part of a state-of-the-art redevelopment.

Released on Friday, July 1, the report said while the facilities could be retained in its current configuration for a further 20 to 30 years with additional refurbishment and renewal works, but a number of elements were reaching a limit of economic viability for the council to maintain or renew.

A Victorian engineering company conducted the technical review in 2018 to inform the development of the Hobsons Bay Aquatic Strategy.

Hobsons Bay mayor Peter Hemphill said the report has supported a decision to not fund a rebuild of the LSFC facilities.

“Through the development of our aquatic strategy, council found that a new centre at Bruce Comben Reserve is the best option, as it caters for a catchment of people up to five times larger than the current Laverton pool,” he said.

“The new Western Aquatic and Leisure Centre facility will be a valuable asset for the people living in Altona Meadows, Laverton, Point Cook and surrounding areas, and we are already seeing a growing level of interest and excitement about it within the local community.”

Key issues identified in the report included:

* The 50-year-old pool is narrow and shallow compared to current guidelines;

* Poor water circulation in the pool;

* Substantial corrosion in the area surrounding the pool and the pool hall; and

* Poor air distribution, which results in stale air in the change rooms.

Under the Hobsons Bay Aquatic Strategy, the council has outlined plans to build water play and youth facilities at McCormack Park to replace the LSFC facilities.

The LSFC was built circa 1968 as a combined indoor pool and fitness centre and the gymnasium was added in 1987.
