Report released for Altona North Don site

A planning panel report for a new suburb in Altona North will be considered by Hobsons Bay council at an ordinary meeting on May 8.

The former Don Smallgoods site, known as Precinct 15, is to be developed by a number of landowners into 3000 dwellings for about 7000 people.

The 67-hectare site, fronting Blackshaws Road and bounded by Kyle Road, New Street and the West Gate Freeway, is about half the size of Melbourne’s CBD.

Key recommendations in the report include:

•A “soft cap” of 3000 dwellings, which could be increased subject to additional traffic reports, social impact assessments and impact on utilities.

•Preferred maximum height of six storeys in the centre and mandatory maximum height of three storeys on the interface with New Street and Kyle Road.

•7.1 per cent open space contribution.

•Neighbourhood activity centre with a supermarket and 10,000 square metres of commercial floor space.

•1713-square-metre community centre, including indoor and outdoor space.

•Five per cent (150) of dwellings allocated for affordable housing at 75 per cent of market value (or a cash in-lieu contribution).

•$590,000 for preparation and implementation of a local area traffic management plan.

The state government has said there are no plans for a Precinct 15 train station, but a future bus network could connect residents with Spotswood and Newport stations.
