Respectful student celebrations

Eadie. (Damjan Janevski) 357189_01

Newport Lakes Primary School recently hosted its Respectful Relationships VIP morning Tea to celebrate the school’s respectful students.

Student wellbeing teacher Samantha Meddis, said respectful relationships leaders spend lunchtimes looking for students in the yard who have been making positive choices to hand out a ‘gotcha card.’

“The students then place their gotcha card in a box at the office,” she said.

“At the end of each fortnight, approximately four winners are drawn from the box during our whole school assembly.

“These children are then invited to a VIP morning tea at the end of the term to celebrate their wonderful efforts and exemplary behaviour.”

This term’s morning tea was held on Monday 11, for the successful grade 5 students, which Samantha said went very well.

“The students had half an hour with the teachers and Councillor Jonathon Marsden, celebrating what great kids they are,” she said.

“This is our way of promoting positive things in our school.

“Instead of focusing on the negatives, we asked how we can shine a light on the positive things that the children are doing to build a positive culture.”

Several students wrote personal comments to share their view on this activity.

One student Grace said, “We think it is important because it helps kids to understand that the school values are a big role of our classes and community.”

Another student Chelsea said, “I like being a representative because you get to go on duty, I like giving out gotcha cards and getting to go to the morning tea.”

Maddie wrote, “We want to make sure everyone feels comfortable and safe at this school.’

Jennifer Pittorino