Safety concerns in council’s sights


A notice of motion aimed at enhancing community safety in Maribyrnong received unanimous support at a council meeting on March 18.

Councillor Mohamed Semra moved the motion in response to growing community concern about high crime rates and a lack of public safety in Maribyrnong, particularly in central Footscray.

Data released last week by the Crime Statistics Agency revealed there was a 20 per cent increase in reported offences in Maribyrnong last year, including a 26 per cent increase in Footscray alone.

The motion called on council to both recognise community anxiety about the issue, while also acknowledging its complexities, particular in regards to drug use, homelessness and mental health.

Cr Semra’s motion also required council’s chief executive to prepare a report outlining a potential community safety and Wellbeing action plan and to continue collaborations with police, community groups and both state and federal governments.

“Addressing these concerns requires a collaborative approach, not just enforcement,” Cr Semra said.

“A safer Maribyrnong means working together.”

Councillor Susan Yengi said addressing crime was at the top of her constituents’ concerns.

“This is something that was certainly raised while campaigning and also after being elected.”

Deputy mayor Bernadette Thomas noted that lobbying the state government for more outreach services was a key priority.

“Council can’t respond to all the issues on its own.”

Cr Samantha Meredith, whose ward of Saltwater takes in central Footscray, said “there’s a lot” of issues that need addressing in the area, but said the human side of those with drug and alcohol problems shouldn’t be forgotten.

“Behind that suffering there’s a person.”

Cade Lucas