Safety needed for cyclists

Nearby/surrounding residents of Summerhill Road who are campaigning for bike lanes. (Jacob Pattison)346176_01

Footscray-based BikeWest members are asking Maribyrnong council to improve the road conditions for cyclists, in a campaign called safe on Summerhill.

Locals, including Pierre Vairo, are campaigning for the addition of bike lanes on Summerhill Road.

“There’s no bike facilities at all along Summerhill Road, it’s narrow and there are no opportunities for drivers to safely overtake cyclists,” he said.

“Kids are either riding on footpaths which are also narrow, or riding on the road with their parents who feel unsafe.

“By making bike lanes we open up travel opportunities for people riding as well as drivers who don’t need to lag behind cyclists.”

Mr Vairo and BikeWest have put forward a proposal to council that removes some parking from a section of the road that has ‘onerous no standing restrictions’.

“We saw in the budget council is going to give $2 million to repair Summerhill Road which is currently in bad condition,” Mr Vairo said.

“We thought if you are going to rebuild it better than what it was before, do it so that it caters for everyone.”

Mayor Sarah Carter said council is looking at the options.

“The development of Maribyrnong’s cycling network is guided by the Maribyrnong Bicycle Strategy,” she said.

“This includes improving routes, reducing vehicle speeds, and upgrading bicycle infrastructure to improve bike network connectivity and safety.

“As part of the proposed upgrade to Summerhill Road, council is investigating options to improve safety outcomes for all road users including cyclists.

“The Summerhill Road upgrade is a part of our distributor road improvement project, and will see a complete reconstruction including new road surface, footpath, nature strip and kerb and channel which will benefit thousands of users on one of councils busiest roads.”

Jennifer Pittorino